Brighton & Hove City Council


Tourism, Equalities, Communities & Culture Committee


4.00pm12 January 2023


Hove Town Hall - Council Chamber






Councillors: Osborne (Joint Chair), Powell (Joint Chair), Rainey (Deputy Chair), Evans (Opposition Spokesperson), Grimshaw (Opposition Spokesperson), Bagaeen (Group Spokesperson), Ebel, Littman, Robins and Simson


Co-Optees: Joanna Martindale, Stephanie Prior, Harpreet Kaur, Kris Ottery.



Part One




43          Procedural Business


a)    There were no substitutes.

b)    Councillor Grimshaw declared a prejudicial interest that she is a casual employee of the Royal Pavilion and Museums Trust.

Councillor Robins declared a prejudicial interest that he was a trustee of the Royal Pavilion and Museums Trust.

Councillor Powell declared a non-prejudicial interest that she is employed by Sussex Police and her partner is employed by Community Works.

c)    It was agreed that the press and public not be excluded.




44          Minutes


The minutes of the last committee meeting held 3 November 2022 were agreed as an accurate record.


The minutes of the TECC Urgency Sub-Committee held 28 November 2022 were agreed as an accurate record.




45          Chairs Communications


The Chair gave the following communications:


Firstly, I hope it’s not too late to wish you all a Happy New Year.  Let’s keep hopeful that 2023 will bring better things.


Since the last TECC I have attended a number of things, some of which are:


·         The Community Works AGM

·         The Trans Day of Remembrance

·         The Beach Access team

·         The Combating Drugs Partnership

·         I visited the Pavilion with my Co-Chair and sat in the rather grandiose sleigh in the Music Room just before Christmas.

·         In the paper we saw Epiphany being celebrated by the Greek Orthodox community on the seafront. 

·         And it’s Chinese New Year this month, of course – the year of the water rabbit.

·         Holocaust Memorial Day is 27th January.  The theme this year is ‘Ordinary People’.  I read this quote from Elie Wiesel, a survivor, which is on the HMD website, and it reads as follows: “what is abnormal is that I am normal.  That I survived the Holocaust and went on to love beautiful girls, to talk, to write, to have toast and tea and to live my life.  That is what is abnormal”.   Very poignant words I’m sure you will agree.

·         I am pleased to announce that last month we were informed that the council have been allocated over £1.2m of additional new burdens funding from DLUHC over the next two years, to enable us to meet our duty under the domestic abuse act to support those in safe accommodation. Whilst not limited only for women and girls, we will ensure that we use the money to continue to provide services for all experiencing domestic abuse into safe and supported accommodation. A paper regarding options will come to a future TECC committee.

·         A gentle nudge to encourage people to contribute to the consultation on the new community safety strategy on the council’s online portal which is open until 5th Feb.

·         Libraries are now part of the Make Materials Matter initiative.

·         Launched last year, this initiative rewards residents for reducing waste, borrowing items and reusing, repairing and recycling their goods. This includes loaning items from libraries.  It is funded by by the European Regional Development Fund, and is targeted at making us think about how we deal with waste.

·         LGBTQ History month starts in Feb.  This year’s theme is “Behind the Lens” and celebrates the contribution of the LGBTQ+ community’s contribution to cinema.

·         And finally, this weekend, any resident within Brighton & Hove can attend the Pavilion free of charge, and there will be costumed guides.




46          Call Over


The following items were reserved for discussion:


Item 50

Royal Pavilion & Museums Trust Annual Report

Item 53

Field Officer Service Review

Item 51

Anti-Racism Pledge Update

Item 52

Community Wealth Building Programme Action Plan

Item 54

Fees and Charges

Item 57

RWC25 – Women’s Rugby World Cup 2025 Host Bid


The following items were therefore agreed as per the recommendations in the reports:


Item 55

ABCD Cultural Recovery Plan Update

Item 56

BHCC – Venue Hire Policy

Item 58

Review of Local List of Heritage Assets (this item was deferred to the next Committee Meeting)

Item 59

Article 4 Direction – Changes of Use from Class E (Commercial, Business, and Service Use) to Class C3 (Dwellinghouses)

Item 60

Hove Station Neighbourhood Plan – Supplementary Regulation 16 Consultation




47          Public Involvement


47.1 The Chair invited Laura Kingsey to put her question to Committee.


47.2 The Chair gave the following response:


Exact commissioning processes for individual artworks vary according to the source of the funds and scale of project but follow the same five stage process as outlined in the Public Art Strategy:


1.         Preparation – Defining vision and brief

2.         Artist Selection – This may be achieved through an Open Call (Open Competition), Invited Competition (with a pre-determined short list) or Direct Invitation (where an artist is approached directly due to their suitability for the project).

3.         Proposal Development – Detailed design and approval.

4.         Delivery – Production, fabrication and install.

5.         Completion – Launch, maintenance and evaluation.


Funding for public art is secured from multiple sources, including Section 106 contributions, the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL), funding from central Government programmes and Brighton & Hove City Council.


Laura Kingsey gave the following supplementary question:


Did the Madeira Terrace Electric Gardenr receive an electrical safety certificate for outdoor use, and was it under warranty for failure, since it failed only 5 days later? In other words, can the £25,000 now be refunded and returned to the Madeira Terraces Restoration Fund where it belongs?


The Chair recommended a written response be sent to Laura Kingsey as well as all other TECC members.


47.3 The Chair invited Ninka Willcock to introduce her deputation located on page 7 of Addendum 1.


47.4 The Chair gave the following response:


Thank you Ninka.


Members will have seen the email circulated earlier today from legal, in which I have proposed to withdraw Item 58 on Heritage Assets.  An officer report will be brought back to the next TECC, including the request brought to us in the deputation just now. We need a consultation period with the owner.


The Committee then agreed to note the deputation.


47.5 The Chair invited Jim Deans to introduce his deputation located on page 7 of Addendum 1.


47.6 The Chair gave the following response:


Officers have said that it would be good to get an understanding of the wider impact of this event. While officers have no concern that we will offer the usual support we offer to charity events on Madeira Drive, if there is likely to be wider impact on the road outside of the venue then you will need to go through the usual process to have this sanctioned and any additional costs charged appropriately.


We offer support for the aims of the event, but I suggest you make contact with the Ian Baird at the Outdoor Events office as soon as possible so we can ensure your activity is within the scope of the City events regulations and systems.


The Committee then agreed to note the deputation.




48          Items referred from Council


There were none.




49          Member Involvement


49.1 The Chair invited Councillor Bagaeen to put his question to Committee located on page 21 of the Agenda.


49.2 The Chair gave the following response:


Under the current Events Strategy (2019-2024) Brighton and Hove City Council do not currently operate as a partner or owner of any event but as a landlord. As such any permissions to carry out events are in the form of landlord’s consent, rather than a contract to deliver services. Due to this we do not have any procurement obligations when granting permissions.


Community Wealth Building comes under the remit of this committee and the Community Wealth Building Member Working Group includes some members of this committee.  The working group was a Task and Finish group that was set up specifically to advise on and shape the action plan that appears on today’s agenda. The remit of the working group was to develop an action plan that looks across the whole of the council, but it was not set up to be a consultee on individual contracts or licenses.  Ultimately, decision making on landlord’s consent for events sits either with this committee or is delegated to officers – decisions cannot be taken by Member Working Groups.


49.3 The Chair invited Councillor Bagaeen to put his question to Committee in place of Councillor Theobald, located on page 21 of the Agenda.


49.4 The Chair gave the following response:


Work is now taking place to repair and refurbish the fountain to bring this important piece of the city’s heritage back to life. We aim to have the project finished by the end of March, but this is dependent on weather conditions and if any currently unknown problems are found when the dismantling of the fountain begins in earnest.


49.5 Councillor Bagaeen then gave the supplementary question on page 21 of the Agenda.


49.6 The Chair then gave the following response:


We will be considering our options around a possible civic event to switch the fountain back on and our understanding regarding King Charles III is that Buckingham Palace needs a very long notice period in order to consider scheduling events in the King’s diary. However we would always welcome the King to our city and would be delighted to show him the refurbished fountain if or when he chooses to visit again.


49.7 The Chair invited Councillor Simson to introduce the Conservative Notice of Motion located on page question to Committee located on page 23 of the Agenda, which was seconded by Councillor Bagaeen.


49.8 The Chair then invited Councillor Robins to introduce the Labour Amendment, which was seconded by Councillor Grimshaw.

49.9 Councillors Ebel, Evans, Bagaeen, Simson and Robins spoke about the ringfenced s106 funding and other projects in the city.


49.10 The Committee agreed to pass the Labour Amendment by 8 votes to 2 abstentions.


49.11 The Chair invited Councillor Simson to introduce the Conservative Notice of Motion located on page question to Committee located on page 23 of the Agenda, which was seconded by Councillor Bagaeen.


49.12 The Chair then invited Councillor Evans to introduce the Labour Amendment, which was seconded by Councillor Grimshaw.


49.13 Councillors Bagaeen and Simson spoke about making space for people to celebrate the Coronation if they wish to.


49.14 Councillors Evans and Grimshaw agreed that space should be made for people to celebrate but it shouldn’t be Council funded.


49.15 The Labour amendment was passed by 8 votes to 2 abstentions.












50          Royal Pavilion & Museums Trust Annual Report


Note: Councillors Grimshaw and Robins did not take part in this item due to prejudicial interests.


50.1 Louise Peim introduced the report starting on page 27 of the Agenda.


50.2 Councillor Evans, Councillor Bagaeen, Joanna Martindale, and Stephanie Prior spoke about charging admission for Museums, fundraising, the web page, statues, staffing, community outreach, diversity and inclusion, restructuring, risk mitigation, and loan repayments.




That Committee:


1. Noted despite many achievements over the past year, that

there continue to be challenges facing the Trust moving into 2023-24.


2. Approved the annual service plan (Appendix 1) for 2023-24,

which includes implementation of a new admissions pricing structure.




51          Anti Racism Pledge Update


51.1 Emma McDermott introduced the report starting on page 99 of the Agenda.


51.2 Stephanie Prior, Joanna Martindale, and Councillors Rainey, Powell, Bagaeen, and Grimshaw spoke about the Community Advisory Group, the reallocated World Reimagined funding, housing strategy, support for Black creatives in the city, the BME infrastructure project, and detailed information that could be included the report.


Emma McDermott agreed that the report from SLT about racially minoritised tenants would be circulated to Joanna Martindale.




1.    That the Committee noted the report.
















52          Community Wealth Building Programme: Action Plan


52.1 Max Woodford introduced the report starting on page 103 of the Agenda.


52.2 Councillors Simson, Osborne, Bagaeen, and Joanna Martindale spoke about the importance of local suppliers and employment, 20 minute neighbourhoods, keeping a risk register, procurement, breaking up contracts, and a fair employment charter led by businesses.




That Committee:


1. Agreed to the implementation of the Community Wealth Building Action Plan, as set out at Appendix 1, subject to any minor grammatical, non-material text and formatting agreed by officers in consultation with the Chair of the Committee prior to publication.




53          Field Officer Service Review


Note: Councillors Evans, Grimshaw and Robins did not take part in this item.


53.1 Jo Player introduced the report on page 117 of the Agenda.


53.2 Councillors Simson, Bagaeen, Osborne, and Littman spoke about consultations with staff, issues with funding and staffing, noise complaints, environmental services, housing, and redeployment.




That Committee:


1.    Noted the outcome of the review of the field officer team as set out in the report.


2.    Agreed in principle to ending the current field officer team arrangements from 1st April 2023 and the reallocation of resources set out in paragraphs 3.22 and 3.23 of the report and delegates to the Executive Director Housing Neighbourhoods and Communities the final decision, following the conclusion of the appropriate staff consultation.


3.    Recommended to Policy and Resources Committee that it approves any necessary changes to the Council’s constitutional documents.




54          Fees and Charges 2023-24


54.1 Councillor Powell introduced the Officer Amendment found on page 11 of Addendum 2.


54.2 The Chair then invited Donna Chisholm to introduce the report on page 125 of the Agenda.


54.3 Councillor Evans introduced the Labour Amendment found on page 13 of Addendum 2, which was seconded by Councillor Grimshaw.


54.4 Councillors Littman, Rainey Simson, and Robins spoke about inflation, the commercial hiring of Madeira Drive, beach huts, the application fee for outdoor events, income from advertising sites, and the Sea Lanes site.


54.5 The Committee agreed to pass the Labour Amendment by 8 for to 2 against.


Councillor Grimshaw to be sent further information regarding libraries.

Councillor Simson to be sent further information regarding income from advertising sites.

Councillor Bagaeen to be sent further information regarding income from the Sea Lanes site.




That Committee:


1. That Committee agrees that the proposed fees and charges for 2023/24 as set out within the report with the exception of the proposal relating to transfer fees for beach huts at 3.15.


2. That Committee agrees to refer the proposed fees and charges in paragraphs 3.5–3.10 relating to Building Regulation Application fees, Pre-Application Planning Advice Service and Planning Performance Agreements to Policy & Resources Committee in order to consider increasing them by 10% rather than 6%, and for this to then be implemented with immediate effect in the current financial year 2022/23 allowing for lead in time to update systems, charging methods and notice periods.


3. That Committee agrees the proposed fees and charges in paragraph 3.29

relating to the Brighton Centre ticket levy, to be implemented with immediate

effect in the current financial year 2022/23 allowing for lead in time to update

systems, charging methods and notice periods.


4. That Committee delegates authority to the Executive Director of Economy,

Environment & Culture (in relation to paragraphs 3.5 – 3.37) and to the

Executive Director of Housing, Neighbourhoods & Communities (in relation to

paragraph 3.38 – 3.42) to change fees and charges as set out in the report

and as set by central Government during the year.


5. That Committee agrees that the licence fee referred to in paragraph 3.13 be increased by 10% rather than 5%, in line with other Seafront fees and charges.





55          ABCD Cultural Recovery Plan Update


There was no discussion.




56          BHCC - Venue Hire Policy


There was no discussion.




57          RWC25 - Women's Rugby World Cup 2025 Host City Bid


57.1 Ian Baird introduced the report starting on page 253 of the Agenda.


57.2 Councillors Evans, Grimshaw and Robins spoke about funding, ball park figures, dates of games, concussions, and safety measures.




That Committee:


1.    Agrees that officers continue through the selection process with an aim, if selected, to be announced as a host city in February 2023.

2.    Agrees to a host city contribution from existing EEC budgets and delegates authority to the Executive Director Economy, Environment & Culture to agree the final detail of this contribution and enter into necessary agreement(s) with the tournament organisers depending on the financial arrangements.




58          Review of the Local List of Heritage Assets


This report was withdrawn and will be brought back to the next TECC Committee.




59          Article 4 Direction - Changes of Use from Class E (commercial, business and service uses) to Class C3 (dwellinghouses).




That Committee:


1.    Notes the representations made during the consultation which took place from 31 January to 14 March 2022.

2.    Authorises the confirmation of the Direction made under Article 4 of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 (as amended) to remove the Class MA permitted development right for changes of use from Class E (commercial, business and service uses) to C3 (dwellinghouses).

3.    Notes that the Secretary of State is expected to modify the geographical extent of the Direction in due course.




60          Hove Station Neighbourhood Plan - Supplementary Regulation 16 consultation




61          Items referred for Full Council




The meeting concluded at 19:34.








Dated this

day of